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Living into gifts within - Living into her potential. Give her an opportunity to receive messages of encouragement. 

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  • Bibiche and I met about a year ago, during the “Women Arise from Stigma” workshop at the United Methodist Episcopal offices in Kindu, Democratic Republic of the Congo. She was one of three women who shared their story about being sexually assaulted and then rejected by her family.

    Read more.

  • Give to Harper Hill Global & bring about positive change.

    How your gift matters:

    • You are preventing the spread of Ebola by making it possible to send potentially life-saving messages through text, radio and television in the Democratic Republic of the Congo;
    • You are helping societies accept women who’ve been rejected because they were raped;
    • You are helping to build peaceful partnerships between diverse religious groups; and 
    • You are raising the volume on women’s voices who’ve long been unheard as they speak dreams of a just and peaceful society.

    For the price of your favorite coffee, you can make a difference. You can save or help transform someone’s life.

    All gifts are tax deductible.

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