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Let her know she is not alone. Provide television broadcasting for four weeks, and reach millions of people with messages and media that improve lives.. 


Thousands of participants demanded an end to rape, the massacre of civilians and insecurity. A brief video of the march’s passion can be seen here. It coincided with the reintroduction of a regular broadcast of Harper Hill Global’s A Plea To My Father video on RTNC television in North Kivu.

Additionally, clergy are receiving Women Arise from Stigma messages by text and WhatsApp...Read more. 

Give Community (4 weeks)

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  • Television reaches millions of people in densely populated regions throughout Africa, and can be a conduit of hope if paired with the right media and messages. The Harper Hill Global network can now purchase airtime to promote messages that reduce human suffering and improve lives. Help us reach those who feel lost and forgotten.

  • Give to Harper Hill Global & bring about positive change.

    How your gift matters:

    • You are preventing the spread of Ebola by making it possible to send potentially life-saving messages through text, radio and television in the Democratic Republic of the Congo;
    • You are helping societies accept women who’ve been rejected because they were raped;
    • You are helping to build peaceful partnerships between diverse religious groups; and 
    • You are raising the volume on women’s voices who’ve long been unheard as they speak dreams of a just and peaceful society.

    For the price of your favorite coffee, you can make a difference. You can save or help transform someone’s life.

    All gifts are tax deductible.

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