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Reach people where they are via text with vital information that's translated into local languages. 
Together, we are working to inform greater populations about the importance of hygienic practices: “We focus on preventive measures in raising the awareness of the masses in the churches by sending out SMS messages, and [through] the local media,” explains the Bishop Gabriel Unda Yemba of the East Congo Episcopal Region. The Communications Team in East Congo, led by Judith Osongo, is currently carrying out this mission of engaging with affected communities through various media outlets.

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  • The Democratic Republic of Congo experienced two episodes of the Ebola virus disease: first in early May in the health zones of  Bikoro, Iboko and Mbandaka in the Equateur Province, (in the northern part of the country); then at the beginning of August in the Beni region, in the North Kivu Province (Eastern DRC), with the extension in Ituri (Northeast).

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  • Give to Harper Hill Global & bring about positive change.

    How your gift matters:

    • You are preventing the spread of Ebola by making it possible to send potentially life-saving messages through text, radio and television in the Democratic Republic of the Congo;
    • You are helping societies accept women who’ve been rejected because they were raped;
    • You are helping to build peaceful partnerships between diverse religious groups; and 
    • You are raising the volume on women’s voices who’ve long been unheard as they speak dreams of a just and peaceful society.

    For the price of your favorite coffee, you can make a difference. You can save or help transform someone’s life.

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